Recently in Electronics Category

Analog Aficionados party 2014

The 2014 Analog Aficionados party is Sunday, February 9, 2014. From 5:00 to 9:00PM. It is at David's Restaurant in Santa Clara near the golf course. Over 150 people made last year's party. This is the fifth annual party.
It is too late to sign up for the party. If you show up we can print a badge on the spot.

Analog Aficionados party 2013

The 2013 Analog Aficionados party is Saturday, February 16, 2013. From 5:00 to 9:00PM. It is at David's Restaurant in Santa Clara near the golf course. Over 130 people made last year's party. There are 180 signed up this year. Feel free to just show up-- we can print you a badge on the spot.

Analog Aficionados party 2012

The 2012 Analog Aficionados party was February 18, 2012. It was at David's Restaurant in Santa Clara near the golf course. There were 155 people that confirmed, about 30 did not make it. Those that did had a great time mingled with other analog experts.

An analog HDTV proposal from 1988

In 1988 EETimes printed an article about some politician calling for a 5 dollar tax on every new TV in order to fund HDTV research. I wrote EETimes this letter.

I still prefer analog oscilloscopes

In recent years (2002) digital storage oscilloscopes have become ubiquitous on test benches.  Older folks like me still prefer analog scopes.
This is a presentation I gave at an 1997 EETimes analog conference. It discussed the myriad specifications of an op amp and how you can decipher them.
Here is a design analysis I did for a client. It is a guitar effects unit, a so-called "stomp box".
I found a beautiful old Power Designs 0-20V power supply at a local Silicon Valley auction. It did not regulate well, so I looked around for an old manual.

Digital oscilloscope guidelines

There are many caveats about digital storage oscilloscopes (DSOs). The Nyquist theorem relates the sampling rate to the highest frequency component, not the highest frequency of a signal.

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